
2D Floor Plan


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What is a 2D Floor Plan?

Floor plan is an essential real estate marketing tool. 2D Floor plan services provide a detailed view of a real estate property to a customer. It helps the buyer to take the decision carefully and quickly. 2D Floor plans display the exact dimensions of physical design and a more picturesque view that’s not feasible on paper sketches.

Benefits of 2D floor plan:

  • Inexpensive way to visualise a floor space
  • Helps buyer to understand the actual size and length of the objects
  • Can show room labels, dimmensions and furniture layout
  • Easy to understand
  • Helps to plan furniture layout

How it works?

how it works

2D Floor Plan Type

B&W, B&W with dimmensions, B&W with furniture, Premium colored with furniture


Up to 800 sq ft, 800 – 1200 sq ft

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